• Degree : Graduate - Undergraduate
  • Application Fee : EUR200
  • Intake : October
  • Deadline for application : 01 Sep 2021
  • Language Requirements : ✓  International Certificate in English at B2 level or online Skype interview

WSPA Description

WSPA – the oldest in Lublin!

The University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (WSPA) was established in 1998 as a private higher education institution launching its first study program “Company Management” with 415 students admitted to the first year. In the following academic year, 1999/2000 the University College had already over 1 400 students.

The University College of Enterprise and Administration operates on the basis of the permission granted by the Minister of National Education and pursuant to the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365, as amended) and legal regulations issued in accordance with the Act, as well as on the basis of the Statute. The school is supervised by the Founder and the minister competent for higher education, in accordance with the Higher Education Act.

The mission of the University College is to teach students to be creative, develop their careers, and help them to find their own place in a globalizing world. WSPA develops international and intercultural competencies of students through creating an international environment at the University and through international mobility of students and faculty. The University College cooperates closely with a large number of European and non-European universities and colleges, associations, companies, and labor market institutions.

WSPA has experience in projects financed by EU Structural Funds and Lifelong Learning Programmes- Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Study Visit, STF. Since 2007 WSPA has won twenty grants supported by EU Structural Funds amounting to nearly 8 million EUR, 200 000 EUR from Scholarship and Training Fund, LLP-Erasmus, and Erasmus+ funding amounting to 1 million EUR. WSPA was granted the Leaders’ University Award and the title of Mobility Leader in projects funded by the Norwegian Funds. WSPA won first place in the category The Largest Training for Staff in the EEA Grants- Norway Grants in Poland.

Practical education is WSPA strong priority (internships, placements, business, and public administration partners, practitioners as members of faculty). Teaching methods include study in small groups, tutorials, hands-on approach, individual and group projects, community projects. WSPA offers a wide variety of opportunities for students: international short and long-term mobility, Career Office, internships, work projects, and placements in local and regional business partners, Students Government, biannual job fairs, a business incubator for students. The school maintains also close ties with the local and regional business community.

Lublin Campus Description

WSPA – the oldest in Lublin!

The University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (WSPA) was established in 1998 as a private higher education institution launching its first study program “Company Management” with 415 students admitted to the first year. In the following academic year 1999/2000 the University College had already over 1 400 students.

The University College of Enterprise and Administration operates on the basis of the permission granted by the Minister of National Education and pursuant to the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365, as amended) and legal regulations issued in accordance with the Act, as well as on the basis of the Statute. The school is supervised by the Founder and the minister competent for higher education, in accordance with the Higher Education Act.

The mission of the University College is to teach students to be creative, develop their careers, and help them to find their own place in a globalizing world. WSPA develops international and intercultural competencies of students through creating an international environment at the University and through international mobility of students and faculty. The University College cooperates closely with a large number of European and non-European universities and colleges, associations, companies, and labor market institutions.

WSPA has experience in projects financed by EU Structural Funds and Lifelong Learning Programmes- Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Study Visit, STF. Since 2007 WSPA has won twenty grants supported by EU Structural Funds amounting to nearly 8 million EUR, 200 000 EUR from Scholarship and Training Fund, LLP-Erasmus, and Erasmus+ funding amounting to 1 million EUR. WSPA was granted the Leaders’ University Award and the title of Mobility Leader in projects funded by the Norwegian Funds. WSPA won first place in the category The Largest Training for Staff in the EEA Grants- Norway Grants in Poland.

Practical education is WSPA's strong priority (internships, placements, business, and public administration partners, practitioners as members of faculty). Teaching methods include study in small groups, tutorials, hands-on approach, individual and group projects, community projects. WSPA offers a wide variety of opportunities for students: international short and long-term mobility, Career Office, internships, work projects, and placements in local and regional business partners, Students Government, biannual job fairs, a business incubator for students. The school maintains also close ties with the local and regional business community.

See Program Details

Tuition Fee

EUR1,000 Per Semester
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As a graduate of Management, you will be prepared for the management of processes and undertakings in business and administration organizations. You will acquire problem-solving skills e.g. in designing new processes and systems of management and restructuring the existing ones. You will be equipped for the organization and management of projects, quality, innovations, and logistic procedures. Moreover, you will be able to use computer systems that…

EUR1,000 Per Semester
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As a graduate of Finance and Accounting, you will have knowledge of operational mechanisms of financial markets, enterprises, banks and other organizations. You will develop skills of predicting and analysing the economic phenomena occurring in enterprises and on the surrounding market. The qualifications acquired will enable you to efficiently solve problems of accounting and finance management and to run appropriate departments of business organizations.…

EUR1,000 Per Semester
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As a graduate of Journalism and Social Communication, you will be prepared for work as a journalist, reporter, or editor; for using network communication tools; gathering, editing, and selecting of the news; creating radio reports and TV documentaries; montage; as well as for leading political and advertising campaigns! We offer full-time and part-time studies.*For EU members and citizens of the Commonwealth of Independent States from Armenia, Azerbaijan,…

EUR1,000 Per Semester
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As a graduate of International Relations, you will be familiar with the functioning of international cooperation platforms and you will be able to analyze domestic problems in an international perspective. During your studies, you will learn two foreign languages, including one at B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. We offer full-time and part-time studies.*For EU members and citizens of Commonwealth of…

EUR1,000 Per Semester
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As a graduate of Sociology, you will be able to analyze interesting social and cultural phenomena, using various methods of research: questionnaires, surveys, photos, films. You will acquire skills in designing and conducting market research and other promotional undertakings. You will be qualified for effective management and promotion of a company and its products. We offer full-time and part-time studies.For EU members and citizens of the Commonwealth…

EUR1,250 Per Semester
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You will be able to pursue scientific research and carry out practical projects using the modern laboratory base (we have e.g. an electronic engine test house, OBD systems, etc). Furthermore, you will have a chance to broaden your knowledge and interests within scientific associations and at practical workshops in partner institutions and transport companies. As our student, you will be able to cooperate actively with the Association of International…

EUR1,250 Per Semester
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As a graduate of Computer Science, you will have comprehensive education making you capable of working in the whole area of computer science and information technology. You will acquire practical knowledge, using modern computers equipped with Intel Core i7 processors, RAM 12 GB, efficient video cards and 27″ LCD monitors. Depending on the type of course, computers operate under the systems: Windows XP, Windows 7 Professional or Linux (various distributions).…

EUR1,250 Per Semester
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As a graduate of Architecture, you will be prepared for creative work in architectural and urban design! You will acquire knowledge of history, the theory of architecture and urban planning, fine arts, construction and technologies, structures, building physics, as well as architectural and urban design. You will be able to plan new cultural values or protect the existing ones. The BSc studies comprise both theoretical and practical aspects of education…

EUR1,250 Per Semester
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As a graduate of Interior Design, you will be prepared for working in the creative field of interior design. You will acquire knowledge of theory and practice of interior design, history, and theory of fine arts, architecture and construction, humanities and computer design; get to know the rules and regulations concerning construction and copyright law as well as professional ethics. You will find out about the rules of economics, organization of…

EUR1,250 Per Semester
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The two-year studies for a Master’s degree in Sociology last 4 semesters. They are for Bachelor's degree holders in Sociology and in other subjects, especially in humanities and social sciences.Students can choose from a number of lectures and seminars aimed at developing knowledge in various disciplines of Sociology.Graduates obtain a Master’s degree.As a graduate of Sociology, you will be able to analyze interesting social and cultural phenomena,…

EUR1,250 Per Semester
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The new two-year Master Program in Management is addressed to people who want to obtain a master’s degree and comprehensive education which meets the needs of the market. There are two possible specializations in the program: e-business and modern forms of marketing or investments in the financial market.A graduate of the master’s program obtains a master’s degree and acquires specialist knowledge in the field of management including law, accountancy,…


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Studying in another country is often the beginning of a new life. USA, Canada and the UK are the most popular destinations for international students. Western and Central European countries are closing the gap by offering high quality programs at more affordable prices and flexible rules to access the labor market. Univerna co-operates with prominent educational institutions all over the world.

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  • United States of America

Your nationality and country of residence may play an important role during your program and visa application process. We know the invisible criteria and will help you once you start your application process with us.


Most institutions require a proof of your language proficiency. Students often start with a preparation program to improve their language skills in line with the program requirements and obtain a certificate.


Educational institutions offer a huge variety of programs in a wide range on different study levels from short term certificates to PhD programs.


Estimated budget for your study are shown below according to your interest. In many cases there are possibilities to work during your study. In order to be on the safe side you should be prepared to cover your first year from your savings. In some cases a proof of your financial capability may be required.


Tuition Fee
Per Semester

Other Expenses


Please check below the available study programs that fit you best. Mark the programs of your choice and click apply now. You can apply for more than one program. Our fee per application is only EUR 49.90. You will get full professional advice and hands-on support from our experts on our online platform.

Experts will guide you through your application process and give you ongoing advice to maximize your chances of being accepted. You will have support with everything you need from accommodation to your flight reservation as well as local pick-up and transfer for free.

Your program choice is not final when you click on Apply Now. It is the beginning of your application journey with us. You may decide by yourself or our advisors may suggest you to apply for another program to maximize your chances of success.

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Your applications will be activated for the selected programs. Remember that this is not your final choice. During your application process you may choose or our experts may recommend you different programs in order to maximise your chances to get accepted. After payment of the application service fees please log in to your account and start your application process under the "My Services" section.